ATB Intellectual Property recently conducted a Brand Protection virtual training session for Jordan’s enforcement authorities. Acting as the representative of (REACT) in MENA Region a globally trusted partner in anti-counterfeiting. The primary goal of this workshop was to enhance the expertise of the authorities in differentiating between genuine products and counterfeits. Additionally, the workshop aimed to increase awareness about the risks associated with counterfeit goods entering the Jordanian market.

There were 40 participants for the workshop from various IP enforcement authorities of Jordan including Jordan Customs, Standards and Metrology Institution, & Criminal Investigation Department keeping them abreast of the latest counterfeiting techniques. This effort plays a role in informing the public about the illicit activities carried out by counterfeiters in the current year, with the aim of ensuring public safety and safeguarding the intellectual property rights of trademark owners.

The substandard quality of counterfeit products not only impacts consumers negatively, but it also undermines the country’s economy and the original trademark holder. Hence, ATB is committed to swiftly and effectively combatting counterfeit goods in order to protect consumers and trademark owners. For any assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected].

REACT* is a non-profit organization with a wealth of experience spanning over 30 years. It boasts more than 300 business Members representing diverse industries. REACT supports its members by offering customs, online, and market enforcement services. The organization is dedicated to safeguarding IP rights holders, consumers, and governments from the adverse effects of the counterfeit goods trade.”